This little guy is already 2 months... Where O Where has the time gone?
Just in the past couple of days his personallity has really started to come out in him. He is starting to smile more, holding his head up more and never takes naps...
We love this little face more then anything and we're having a blast watching him grow right before our eyes. We love you Kash!!!
It is possible to love something more then life it's self the moment you meet them.
Each day that passes gets easier to function on little sleep. Thank heavens for coffee!
It is okay to stay home all day in your pjs.
Even at 6 weeks old little boys think it's funny when they pee on you and everything else around you.
I can spend an hour plus just holding my "lil" guy just to watch him sleep.
Grocery shopping takes twice as long it did before.
No matter how careful you think you are, your going to have baby spitup on you.
You learn to just ignore the fact that the minute you place him on the counter to check out or when someone walks up to see your sweet baby he either farts or messes his pants.
From the moment we got home from the hospital he became the boss of the house.
This "lil" man is already 4 weeks old, but I'm pretty sure he thinks he is older then that. He only sleeps for about 3 hrs thru out the entire day and thats getting up around 7:30 or 8:00. If he isn't sitting up so he can see what is going on he gets mad ( he's afaird he might miss something). He only gets up once during the night (between 2:30 and 3:00) and overall he is just a really easy going baby.
Since I haven't posted anything for a while I figured I better post something. Once my little man gets here I will be better at posting things. But lets be honest Kyle and I don't live the most exciting life!!!
*Where were you when you first found out you were pregnant? In my bathroom *Who was with you? No One unless you count my babies (dogs) Iggy & Jewels. *How did you find out that you were pregnant? 6 home pregnancy tests. 1 at home 5 in the bathroom at work and 1 more when we arrived at our new home the next day. *What was your first reaction to finding out you were pregnant? Shock!! I got in the shower and when I got out checked the stick to see if the plus sign had changed to a negative sign. I figured the test was a bad one. So at 6:30 in the morning I was off to Walmart to buy more. * Who was the first person you told? Kyle *Did you plan to get pregnant? Kind of *Was everybody happy for you? YES!! Did you go out and celebrate? No! We loaded are Uhaul up and drove to Marshall Texas to start our new life adventure. * Did you want to find out the sex? Yes! We wanted to know as soon as we found out we were pregnant. Around 18 weeks we bought the over the counter gender test and it said boy and then and 21 weeks the Dr. confirmed that we were having a BOY!!!! Just what I wanted!!! * Did anyone throw you a baby shower? * Did you get any outfits at the baby shower that you just knew you weren't going to put on your baby? * How much weight did you gain? I currently weigh 4 lbs. more than I did before I was pregnant. I still have 7 weeks to go so who knows what I will be by then. * Did you lose all of the weight that you gained? *Did you get a lot of stretch marks? So Far I haven’t *What did you crave the most? In the beginning all I wanted was a bean and cheese burrito from Del Taco and there isn’t a Del Taco within 100 miles of Marshall. Now I am craving pretty much everything since I can’t have anything but salad and plain old chicken. (Stupid Gallstones) *Did you crave anything crazy? I went through a serious pickle phase and hot sauce and really spice food. (Maybe that is way I have been blessed with gallstones.) *Who or what got on your nerves the most? ???? *Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? NO *Where were you when you went into labor? *Did your water break? *Who drove you to the hospital? * Did you go early or late? 2 weeks early *Who was in the room with you when you gave birth? *Was it video taped? * Did you have any drugs for the pain? *Did you go Natural or have a c-section? * What was your first reaction after giving birth? *How big was the baby(s)? *What did you name the baby(s) Kash Thomas Gillespie *Did the baby(s) have any complications? *How old is your baby today? He is still cooking. *When is the next one(s) coming?
Gillespie Family!
We just moved to Marshall TX and found out we are expecting. Baby G is suppose to do here April 17th, 2011 and we can't wait. We are ready to find out if we are having a boy or girl because we want to start buying stuff. And yes I mean us. Kyle is already buying all kinds of little Texas outfits. Kyla just started 1st Grade this year and seems to be enjoying it. We are so proud of her and how well she is doing. She is going to be a great big sister to Baby G